Hope Unshakeable

Hope Unshakeable

Grieving the loss of a child is a journey that no parent needs to travel alone. We know the heartbreaking reality that child loss grief doesn’t go away. We also know that there are aspects of grief that can make you feel lonely or isolated, like the fact that each parent grieves differently or that support fades weeks and months after the death. But we want you to know that you are not alone. Losing a child is more than a parent can handle on their own, but the Lord promises His strength, love, and comfort. “The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18. Hope Unshakeable is a small group that will help you, not only walk forward in your grief journey, but connect with others who have some of the same feelings of grief and pain from loss. This group is for women only, age 18 and older.


Recurrence: Weekly

Date(s): Oct. 3 - Dec. 5

Cost: $0

Kids Care: Yes

Point of Contact

Shannon Barron
Soul Care Department Coordinator
(817) 731-4329


Soul Care

Times + Locations

Fort Worth Campus

Recurrence: Weekly

Next Date: Oct. 17

End Date: Dec. 5

Day of week: Thursday

Time: 6:45 P.M.

Location: Garden Room

Cost: $0